Weiwei Xie, Chemistry, Michigan State University, xieweiwe@msu.edu
Seminar Title: Exploring Novel Quantum Materials under High Pressure and High Temperature
Weiwei Xie, associate professor of Chemistry at Michigan State University. Weiwei Xie got her B.S. in Organic Chemistry from Nankai University, China in 2010. She obtained her Ph.D. in Chemistry with Prof. Gordon Miller from Iowa State University & Ames Laboratory in 2014. Later, she worked with Prof. Robert Cava as postdoctoral associate from 2014 to 2016 on finding novel superconductors. Her research focus on finding novel quantum materials especially superconductors and magnetic topological materials; studying them under high pressure using a combination of X-ray and neutron scattering. Since 2020, Weiwei started her work on high pressure synthesis of novel quantum materials, especially oxides. She got Beckman Young Investigator award in 2018 and NSF early career award in 2020.