Research interests in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry span the traditional areas of Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry. Get to know our faculty and their research area by visiting our Research Area page.
Faculty Research Interest Grid
Increasingly, multidisciplinary research that cuts across traditional areas is necessary to address complex scientific questions. The Faculty Research Areas Grid filters our faculty by industry-relevant topic expertise.
Angels and Entrepreneurs Program
The department launched a new program in 2020 that focuses on increasing industry and alumni engagement and strengthening efforts to commercialize recent technical discoveries. Industry participants will receive thumbnails describing the latest discoveries, and may participate as a collaborator, investor, mentor, or in a combination of ways. If you are interested, please contact Cheryl Yeack;
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Published Technologies
Many of our faculty are actively engaged in transferring technology from the laboratory to the marketplace. Search our published technologies to learn about our emerging technologies.
Ohio Innovation Exchange
The Ohio Innovation Exchange is a database sponsored by the Ohio Department of Higher Education to aggregate information on faculty expertise, university equipment, and research support from Ohio’s universities. It is intended to provide a tool for industry to easily find potential collaborations with universities. Here, you can find university directories, faculty publications, and information on University equipment, technologies, and intellectual property. At launch, this system includes information from The Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio University, and the University of Cincinnati. As the project grows, more universities will be added to further enhance the utility of this system. Questions about the Ohio Innovation Exchange should be directed to Jeff Agnoli;, 614-292-6269.
University Published Technologies
A searchable list of available technologies across the university is managed by the Ohio State Technology Commercialization Office (TCO).