Obtaining a Department Lab Coat

Getting Access to the Lab Coat Machines

If you need to get access to the lab coat dispenser and return machine to obtain a standard white lab coat, please email Amy Moore at moore.4061@osu.edu.  Please provide the following information:

First name:
BuckID number (short one on your card):
Position:  (Post Doc, staff, Graduate student)
Group Name (PI's Last name, Supervisor name or Teaching lab name)

If you have any issues with obtaining or returning a lab coat, please email moore.4061@osu.edu


If your department-issued lab coat needs repairs (missing buttons, etc), please place it in an orange bag that is outside of the return dispenser.  Write the reason for the repair on the outside of the orange bag.

In the event that your lab coat becomes grossly contaminated with hazardous materials, please contact the Chemical Safety Coordinator for how to proceed.  Please do not return the contaminated lab coat to the return machine.


Obtaining an FR/CR Lab Coat

if you need access to an FR/CR lab coat, please stop by and see the Safety Office in CBEC 163


Obtaining a Barrier Lab Coat

if you need access to an FR/CR lab coat, please stop by BioSci 148A and sign one out.