Scholarship Application and Requirements

Online Application

The 2024-2025 CBC Scholarship application will open December 1, 2023. All applications and recommendation letters must be received no later than February 15, 2024. 

CBC Undergraduate Scholarship Application is available on the Scholarship Universe.


To be eligible to receive a CBC scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be seeking a BA or BS in Chemistry or Biochemistry
  • Have a major program on file with your advisor
  • Hold at least Rank 2 standing as of the following Autumn semester
  • Have completed at least one term of classes at The Ohio State University
  • Maintain your major status throughout the academic year for which your scholarship has been awarded. Scholarships will be revoked if you change your major at any time during the academic year.
  • Have completed the FAFSA for the following academic year (Domestic students only)
  • Scholarship recipients will be required to mentor approximately 3 hours each month. This is not a requirement for scholarship eligibility but rather, a requirement to remain eligible for funds once awarded. Additional details will be posted shortly. 

Requirements for Application

Before starting the online application, you should:

  • Know your course record and current GPA
  • Have accurate information about your unmet financial need and any financial aid that you are already receiving
  • Be prepared to provide brief statements about your future career goals, extracurricular activities (including undergrad research), and why you should be selected to receive a scholarship
  • Receive permission from an OSU faculty member to list them as your recommendation provider 

Your Faculty Recommendation Provider is not required to submit a formal letter of recommendation, but they will be required to answer several questions about you using an online form. Your recommendation provider will receive an email with the recommendation form link after you have submitted your application. You will receive a confirmation email once they have completed this form. Please note that your recommendation provider must have a PhD in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Recommendations from graduate students will not be accepted.


Awards will be distributed over the upcoming academic year and will be processed through the Office of Student Financial Aid. The announcement of awards are typically made by the first week of April.

If you have any questions regarding the scholarships or the application process, please contact Ana Ramirez, Undergraduate Program Manager.