
AU24 John S. Swenton Award for Outstanding Teaching
Please join me in congratulating the winners of the AU24 John S. Swenton Award for Outstanding Teaching! This award recognizes outstanding contributions by GTAs in our department each…

Turning Carbon Emissions into Methane Fuel
Click here for a write up on recent work by Dr. Tomaz Neves-Garcia, a postdoctoral researcher in the Baker group.
Tomaz was one of the graduate students in the USP-OSU Dual Degree Program…

Award Winner: Presidential Fellowship by the Graduate School 2024 competition
Congratulations, Meera Madhu (advisor: Bern Kohler), on being awarded the Presidential Fellowship by the Graduate School in the 2024 competition. The Presidential Fellowship is the most…

Chair of the ACS Division of Computer in Chemistry in 2026 (chair-elect in 2025)
Congratulations, John Herbert, on being selected as the Chair 2026 (Chair-elect ‘25) for the COMP division!
In this position, John will help shape the direction of the division!

OSU’s BSP Scholars for 2023-2024
Congratulations, Abby Fisk and Hariharan Kannan on being selected as OSU’s BSP Scholars for 2023-2024!
A key activity for the BSP Scholars at OSU is to work with Prof. Maria Palazzi, OSU…

Two siRNA Firms Launch -- Judo Bio and City Therapeutics both want to go after tricky tissues
Two start-ups have launched to develop next-generation drugs using small interfering RNA (siRNA) to silence genes.
To read more, click here.

Kotaro Nakanishi, a co-founder of a startup, City Therapeutics
Congratulations, Kotaro on being a co-founder of a startup, City Therapeutics! It launched with $135 million in financing to lead the future of RNAi-based medicine.
Outstanding news!…

Novel chemical tool aims to streamline drug-making process
Check out this OSU news article entitled: Novel chemical tool aims to streamline drug-making process.
Excellent work, Christo!

Shiyu Zhang, recipient of the American Chemical Society Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator
Congratulations, Shiyu Zhang, on receiving the American Chemical Society Harry Gray Award for Creative Work in Inorganic Chemistry by a Young Investigator.
The award will be granted to an…