Joint Safety Team

The Joint Safety Team (JST) is a leadership committee of graduate students whose purpose is to promote awareness and foster a safe laboratory culture for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The JST holds meetings every semester with 50+ research lab appointed safety officers (LSO) to discuss and distribute information pertaining to laboratory safety procedures. The JST is also responsible for attending faculty safety meetings, then distributing that information to LSO’s and graduate researchers. The JST is also responsible for assisting the Department Chair in awarding a research group with a Laboratory Safety Excellence Award.

Objectives to achieve mission:

  • meet with the Chemistry department chair once a semester to outline yearly goals
  • attend monthly Faculty Safety Meetings and serve as a student researcher voice in the space
  • meet with designated Lab Safety Officers once a semester to point out safety improvement standards that the faculty and department chair desire and answer questions
  • maintain an up-to-date list of Lab Safety Officers, (5) facilitate Lab Safety Officer turn over 
  • stay in good communication with all staff personnel who are involved with chemical safety and hygiene  

LSO Handbook 

Safety Resources


Interested in Joining the JST

The JST is looking for new committee members that are interested in safety awareness and general laboratory safety procedures. Being involved with OSU JST committee is viewed highly by employers in industry. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

Committee Members

Group of Joint Safety Students for the chemistry Department


Joint Safety Team Officers

Supporting Staff/Faculty

  • Dr. Amy Moore – Chemical Safety Coordinator, JST Advisor
  • Dr. Gerhard Raimann – Director of Administration

LSO Important Information

Featured in the Spotlight by the College of Arts and Sciences