Student Speakers, Allen Partin and Ar Fonlon - Physical Seminar

Dr. Olesik and Brutus
September 16, 2024
4:10PM - 5:10PM
CBEC 130

Date Range
2024-09-16 16:10:00 2024-09-16 17:10:00 Student Speakers, Allen Partin and Ar Fonlon - Physical Seminar Analytical  Student SeminarsAffiliation:  The Ohio State UniversityPresenting:Allen Partin (Baker Lab) Seminar Title: “Ultrafast Spectroscopy with Linearly and Circularly Polarized XUV Light: Towards an Understanding of Spin Selective Electron Dynamics in Chiral and Magnetic Oxides”andAr Fonlon (Herbert Lab) Seminar Title:  "Q-Chem/CP2K Interface for Wavefunction-in-Periodic DFT Embedding" CBEC 130 America/New_York public

Analytical  Student Seminars
Affiliation:  The Ohio State University

Allen Partin (Baker Lab) 
Seminar Title: “Ultrafast Spectroscopy with Linearly and Circularly Polarized XUV Light: Towards an Understanding of Spin Selective Electron Dynamics in Chiral and Magnetic Oxides”


Ar Fonlon (Herbert Lab) 
Seminar Title:  "Q-Chem/CP2K Interface for Wavefunction-in-Periodic DFT Embedding"

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