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Dr. Caroline Breitenberger Receives President and Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service

February 17, 2016

Dr. Caroline Breitenberger Receives President and Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service

Caroline Breitenberger head shot

Congratulations to Professor Caroline Breitenberger, President and Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service winner. Dr. Breitenberger’s list of achievements is numerous and impressive. She is considered a valuable asset to the Ohio State community whose “accomplishments and national reputation in biology pedagogy and assessment clearly justify her selection for this significant honor,” as stated by Dean Christopher Hadad.

Dr. Breitenberger has been the Director of the Center for Life Sciences Education (CLSE) since 2006. In this role, she is responsible for the administration of both the Biology Major (Ohio State’s largest) and the Introductory Biology Program which train 2,000 and 10,000 students each year, respectively. The Center coordinates the efforts of faculty and staff from several departments in the design and delivery of effective and comprehensive programming in biology education at the undergraduate level.

Dr. Breitenberger has also served as Associate Dean for Curriculum and Student Services, Legacy College of Biological Sciences from 1998 to 2009. As Associate Dean, she organized the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum. Since the merging of the former Colleges of Biological Sciences and Mathematical and Physical Sciences, she has continued to lead the organization of the Natural and Mathematical Sciences (NMS) Undergraduate Research Forum each spring, an event that attracts about 100 students per year. At the Research Forum, students present their research in poster format and receive faculty evaluations of their work, while also competing for “Best Poster” awards.

She presents several workshops every year to help students with their scientific poster design. She has organized two STEM-specific poster design workshops each spring, in preparation for the NMS and Denman undergraduate research forums. She has also held poster design workshops for the Graduate School’s Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) summer professional development series, for the SUCCESS program (a summer program in the College of Medicine for under-represented students), and as a guest lecturer in Biochemistry 2900H, a course intended to expose undergraduate students in their second year to “hot topics” in research ongoing at Ohio State so that they might begin engaging in their own research.

In addition to serving on the NMS scholarships review panel, Dr. Breitenberger has helped to select Ohio State’s nominees for the Goldwater scholarship. She also works with Undergraduate Research Office staff alongside previous Director, Professor Allison Snow, to coordinate the review and selection process for the Mayer Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program. These fellowships provide summer support for about twenty NMS students each year.

Dr. Breitenberger also serves on the Arts and Sciences undergraduate recruitment committee, meeting regularly with staff from the Arts and Sciences Office of Recruitment and Diversity Services to help manage undergraduate recruitment events throughout the year. She participates in these events every year, ranging from breakfasts and dinners with recruits to helping the Arts and Sciences RDS staff tables at large open houses. Because of her efforts, the RDS has implemented an award for exceptional service to their office, naming it the Caroline Breitenberger Award in her honor. Dead Hadad says, “Her knowledge and dedication to undergraduate education are exemplary.” In addition to that award, Dr. Breitenberger has also received the Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, Outstanding Service Award, and recognition from the Sphinx and Mortar Boards.

Since 2009, Dr. Breitenberger has been serving as a National Academies Education Fellow and Mentor. More recently, she has been recognized as a Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) Fellow. The PULSE organization was created by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She has also served on the Executive Council of the Academy of Teaching since 2010 and served as Vice-Chair in 2012-13, and then continued as its Chair once again from 2013-2015.

In 2012-13 academic year, Dr. Breitenberger was Chair of both the Assessment Panel of the Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee and the University Level Advisory Committee (ULAC) for the GE program. In 2013-14, she remained as Chair for ULAC, and in 2014-15, she co-Chaired the Assessment Panel of the Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee.

Last, but certainly not least, Dr. Breitenberger is a fervent advocator for women scientists. She has provided keynote speeches on the subject, led efforts in the Association for Women in Science- Central Ohio (AWISCO), and provided support for young women in the biological sciences. Department Chair, Dr. Susan Olesik, says “Her service efforts both inside and outside of OSU to improve instruction are quite phenomenal.”

Looking at this extensive list of superb service and accomplishment, it’s clear to see why Dr. Breitenberger was nominated for and received this award. Dr. Olesik states that, “Dr. Breitenberger exceeds all possible expectations.” Furthermore, in the words of Dean Hadad, “Caroline gives of herself for the support of others every day. Indeed, on a daily basis, she is trying to improve the education of the students on this campus, and by giving of herself for the betterment of others. Caroline defines distinguished service.”