Spring 2023 Recipient of the John S. Swenton Award for Outstanding Teaching

CONGRATULATIONS to Paige Bowling for being a recipient of the Spring 2023 John S. Swenton Award for Outstanding Teaching!
Paige has gone above and beyond as a GTA for two different flavors of undergraduate physical chemistry courses offered in our department, including Physical Biochemistry II (BIOCHEM 5722) this semester and Physical Chemistry I (CHEM 4300) in AU22. She has demonstrated a strong level of dedication to teaching and learning and gone above and beyond to help her students understand difficult and abstract concepts using advanced math. The instructors who have supervised her as a GTA describe Paige as one of the most efficient, reliable, and thorough GTAs they have ever worked with.
One of Paige’s nominators writes, “her solutions to our homework sets and exam questions are so well crafted that these will likely become the standard for this class from now on.” Another nominator writes: “Throughout the entire semester, I observed that students in my class value Paige’s help. I am confident that she will be an outstanding teacher if she chooses to teach professionally in her future career.”
On behalf of the department and our students, congratulations Paige! Thank you for all that you do, and keep up the great work!