We Say Goodbye to World Renowned Atmospheric Chemist, Jack Calvert

September 7, 2016

We Say Goodbye to World Renowned Atmospheric Chemist, Jack Calvert

Jack Calvert portrait.

Jack G. Calvert, 93, died on June 1 in Knoxville.

“Jack joined the faculty at Ohio State University in 1950. In 1966, Jack coauthored a groundbreaking textbook titled ‘Photochemistry.’ Jack served at OSU as Kimberly Professor of Chemistry until 1981. Jack then joined the National Center for Atmospheric Research, in Boulder, Colo., where he led the atmospheric kinetics and photochemistry group. He was later a visiting scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Jack authored or coauthored approximately 300 scientific publications, completing the last book at age 92. He earned such honors as the Distinguished Research Award from OSU, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, and the Haagen-Smit Prize.”—Mark Calvert, son

Most recent title: visiting scientist, environmental sciences division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Education: B.S., chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, 1944; Ph.D., physical chemistry, UCLA, 1949

Survivors: wife, Doris; sons, Richard and Mark; and six grandchildren

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