July 24, 2018
Vicki Wysocki Joins The Protein Society Executive Council

Congratulations to Dr. Vicki Wysocki on joining the Executive Council for The Protein Society!
The Protein Society is governed by elected officers and an Executive Council. The officers are President, Secretary/Treasurer, and President-Elect. The President acts as the Chair of the Executive council, which meets twice annually to vote on Society business and plan Society activities. Councilors serve in staggered 3-year terms to ensure continuity. The Executive Council is governed by The Protein Society's organizational bylaws.

Left to Right
Amy Keating, Ph.D; Bil Clemons, Ph.D; Giovanna Ghirlanda, Ph.D; Elisabeth Sauer-Erikkson, Ph.D; Vicki Wysocki, Ph.D.