Ted Clark

Ted Clark

Ted Clark

Professor of Teaching


120D Celeste Laboratory
120 W 18th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • General Chemistry Instruction
  • Chemical Education Research
  • Undergraduate Teaching Labs


Ted Clark received his BA majoring in Chemistry, History, and Religious Studies in 1991 from the University of Detroit.  He then received a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1997 from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), working with B.J. Evans in the area of solid-state chemistry.  After a visiting professor position at Denison University (Granville, OH) teaching physical chemistry, he worked with Philip Grandinetti’s group at the Ohio State University as a post-doctoral researcher from 1998-2002.  He has remained at OSU as an Associated faculty member with various teaching and administrative duties, including Instructional Laboratory Supervisor for the analytical chemistry courses (2003-2007) and Associate Director for the Ohio Center for Undergraduate Research-Research Experiences to Enhance Learning (OCUR-REEL) program (2007-2011).  Currently Dr. Clark is active teaching large enrollment general chemistry courses.  His research interests include environmental chemistry, including the design of classroom based undergraduate (CURE) labs in this area, the use of PhET sims, and promoting student metacognitive learning strategies.   He has been very involved in teacher professional development workshops promoting Modeling Instruction for more than a decade.  Dr. Clark received the 2017 Ohio PKAL STEM Educator of the Year award, recognizing his excellence in teaching and research.

Recent Publications

Clark, T. M., Turner, D.A., D.C.  Rostam.  Evaluating and improving questions on an unproctored online general chemistry exam. Journal of Chemical Education, 2022.

Clark, T. M., Dickson-Karn, N., Anderson, E. Strategies undergraduate students use to solve a volumetric analysis problem before and after instruction. Journal of Chemical Education, 2022.

Clark, T. M., Dickson-Karn, N., Anderson, E. Calculating the pH of a Strong Acid or a Strong Base Before and After Instruction in General Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 99(4), 1587-1595.

Clark, T. M., Callam, C. S., Paul, N. M., Stoltzfus, M. W., & Turner, D. (2020). Testing in the time of COVID-19: A sudden transition to unproctored online exams. Journal of Chemical Education2020, 97(9), 3413-3417.

Harper, K., Clark, T.M., & Ding, L.  Destabilizing the Status Quo in STEM Professional Development with Modeling Instruction.  Chapter submitted to Research in Science Education (RISE) Volume 8, Physics Teaching and Learning: Challenging the Paradigm., 2019.

N.M. Trease, T.M. Clark, P.J. Grandinetti, J.F. Stebbins and S. Sen, “Bond-length angle correlation in densified silicat-results from 17O NMR spectroscopy.”  Journal of Chemical Phyics, 2017, 146(18), p. 184505.

T.M. Clark, R. Ricciardo, and T. Weaver, “Transitioning from Expository Laboratory Experiments to Course-Based Undergraduate Research in General Chemistry.”  Journal of Chemical Education, 2016, 93(1), 56-63.

T.M. Clark and J.M. Chamberlain, “Use of a PhET Interactive Simulation in General Chemistry Laboratory: Models of the Hydrogen Atom.”  Journal of Chemical Education, 2014, 91(8), 1198-1202.

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