The Biophysical Interaction and Characterization Facility (BICF) is located in CBEC 075. Our instrumentation is utilized by researchers within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, other OSU departments/colleges, other universities in the state of Ohio, and local industry R&D.
Circular Dichroism Spectrometers
Jasco J-1500
Measure Protein/Peptide Secondary Structures, Chiral Organics

- Wavelength Range: 165 – 1100 nm
- 6-Cell Sample Holder for Automated Measurements (simultaneous spectra, parallel thermal melts, etc.)
- Compatible with both 10 mm and 1 mm cuvettes (adapter provided)
- Peltier Device Sample Holder for Thermal Scans (Temperature Range: -10-100°C)
Jasco J-815
Configured for solids sample analysis - powders, pastes, gels, etc.!

MicroCal VP-ITC MicroCalorimeter
Measure Thermodynamic Parameters, Binding Affinity of Macromolecule Interactions

- Working Sample Volume: 1.4 mL (~ 2 mL needed for proper injection without air pocket)
- Ligand Injection Volume Range: 0.1-279.7 µL
- Number of Injections: Single Injection Mode up to 500 Consecutive Injections
- Temperature Range: 2-80 °C
- Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy Sample Cell: highly resistant to basic solutions, buffers, chlorides
- Adjustable Stirring Speed
Cary Eclipse Fluorometer

Cary-100 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

GE Healthcare Typhoon Bioimager

Rudolph Autopol IV Polarimeter

SpectraMax M5 Plate Reader (Absorbance, Fluorescence)

Interested in Utilizing Instrumentation in the BICF?
OSU Students/Staff:
- Make sure you have an active FOM account ( This is the site used for instrument reservations and billing.
- Create a requisition through Workday following the instructions on this website. Please select "CBC Biophysical Interaction & Characterization Facility" as the supplier. Check the rates tab above to help determine the total $ amount you will want to submit to cover your expected experiments.
- Once the requisition has been fully approved through the Workday and you receive an email notification of approval, manually add the requisition to your FOM account:
- Choose "My Accounts" link on the left-hand side towards the bottom of the screen.
- Go to the "Add a New Account" section partway down the page. Fill in the boxes for Research Description Name and Workday Requisition Number, click "Add this Account".
- You should receive a pop-up confirmation that the RQ was added successfully. If not, double check by signing out, waiting a few minutes, signing back in, and checking "My Accounts" to see if it is now listed. If not, please attempt to add it again. Note: requisitions cannot be added until they have been fully approved in Workday (workflow completed).
- Request access/training to the instrumentation on FOM. Please list types of samples/experiments you would like to analyze and best days/times for scheduling training sessions.
External Researchers:
Please email Dr. Alicia Friedman at

Rates are current as of 7/1/2024
BICF Policies
1. Users are expected to follow all RSS, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, and university policies. The policies below are specific to the BICF.
2. All users are expected to follow good laboratory practices in the handling of chemicals, waste, and instrumentation. Users must follow all policies and directions of BICF staff such as posted notices, emails, verbal instructions, etc.
3. All injuries, accidents, near-misses, fires, safety issues, etc. are to be reported immediately to the facility manager (Dr. Alicia Friedman,, 614-247-7814, CBEC 085) and the CBC Chemical Safety Coordinator (Dr. Amy Moore,, 614-292-3897, CBEC 163)
4. All new users must complete the facility "New User Safety Checklist" during training. This is kept in the safety binder in the lab for EHS to access quickly/easily.
5. Be aware of the nearest fire extinguisher/alarm, safety eyewash station, sink, and evacuation routes to exit the building during an emergency.
6. The Hazardous Communication Plan is always available in a binder on the front desk near the door.
7. No food/drinks are to be brought into the facility at any time.
8. PPE Requirements:
- Safety eyewear (i.e. safety glasses) must be worn at all times in the facility
- Dress appropriately – no sandals, no shorts allowed
- Gloves are provided and to be used at your own discretion – do not use gloves when using the mouse/keyboard of a computer!
- Lab coats are only required when working with hazardous materials
9. Waste must be disposed of properly and in accordance with university policy:
- Glass waste bins are clearly labeled – do not include anything not glass (i.e. gloves, Kimwipes, etc.)
- Liquid waste containers are clearly labeled – do not pour incompatible solvents down the drain.
- Sharps bins are provided and clearly labeled – do not recap sharps as to avoid accidental sticks!
10. Sample Limitations:
- No radioactive materials are permitted in the facility
- No biohazards that require a lab safety of BSL are permitted in the facility – these include infectious viruses, toxins, human tissues, viable plasmids, etc.
11. Users should not remove or tamper with any part of an instrument unless instructed to do so by a staff member. If an instrument is not working, please report it to Dr. Friedman immediately!
12. Instruments are to be used only by trained/approved individuals.
- Untrained individuals are welcome to accompany a trained user to observe the experiment but are not to operate any of the software/hardware of the instrument
- Training must take place with a BICF staff member prior to being granted access. The overall number and length of training sessions depends on the individual instrument, planned experiment, and trainee’s previous experience.
13. All instrument time must be reserved and logged using the FOM system ( This includes any time using the computer for data retrieval and/or data workup.
- RSS policy states that users who do not accurately self-report instrument usage will be charged from the time the log-on occurred until the next legitimate user log-on – this can get quite pricey if an instrument is not regularly used or occurs over a weekend!
- Repeat infractions will result in loss of access to the facility and instruments
14. Facility computers and data drives are not regularly backed up; data may be removed (with prior notice) if space is needed. Users are expected to transfer all experiments to personal/lab data storage that is secure and regularly archived.
15. These policies are subject to change with notice at any time.

BICF Lab: CBEC 075
Office: CBEC 085

Carson Ward (Graduate TA)
Graduate Student (2021)
B.S. Chemistry, Ohio University