
Dr. Yehia Khalifa | Laboratory Manager | 084 CBEC | (614) 292-3792|
Services Provided

UHV-XPS Characterization
Students, Staff and faculty are trained to operate the Kratos Axis Ultra XPS. The instrument is equipped with both monochromatic (Al) and dual (Mg and Al) X-ray sources in addition to a helium UV source. Ar ion gun is also available for sputtering and depth profiling purposes.
Please acknowledge NSF-DMR grant #0114098

The SAL facility houses a newly installed SPECS near ambient pressure XPS system utilizing an in-situ cell capable of surface characterization in the presence of gases of interest up to 20 mbar and a temperature range of 200-800 K. The system utilizes a monochromated Al X-ray source and is equipped with Ar ion sputtering.
Proposals to utilize NAP-XPS for cutting edge experiments are accepted on a bi-annual basis.
Please see for further details regarding sample and instrumental considerations.
Purchase of the ambient pressure XPS was supported by that National Science Foundation through NSF MRI award 1625792.