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Zeovation, a company started by Emeritus Professor, Prabir Dutta has a product, Zeolite, that is being tested in SARS-CoV-2 decontamination. The study is being done with Texas Biomed in…

Vicki Wysocki, Ohio Eminent Scholar and director of the Campus Chemical Instrument Center, for a talk entitled “The Power, Potential and Payoff of University-Industry Collaborations across Ohio.”…

As a Latvian immigrant, during a time when women were not widely accepted in the fields of math and science Inara Brubaker excelled in her academics. She earned her BS from Ohio Northern…

The Ohio State University is one of many participating in the American Chemical Society's PhD bridge program. The program aims to increase the number of Black, Latino, and Indigenous students…

Congratulations to Associate Professor, Robert Baker for being named Deputy Director Of The Institute For Optical Science. He has been a member of the Institute since its inception in 2018…

Congratulations to Assistant Professors, Alexander Sokolov and Casey Wade on each receiving a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation!

"The Faculty Early Career…

Congratulations to Associate Professor, Zac Schultz on being selected as the recipient of the 2021 Clara Craver Award presented by the Coblentz Society (http://www.coblentz.org/…

Congratulations to PhD candidate Kevin Carter-Fenk of the Herbert Research Group for being awarded an Outstanding Graduate Student Award from ACS Division of Computers & Chemistry!…

Congratulations to David Nagib, Associate Professor, for being named a 2021 Arthur C. Cope Award winner presented by the American Chemical Society. Award winners are honored for their…